Friday, February 25, 2011

I am dating!

So, I have been praying consistently for dating opportunities after being inspired by the story of my friend (who shall remain nameless because I may embarrass her but it starts with "Mau" and ends with "reen"). For a month or so, nothing happened. Just lollygagging around and going about my life's business until something dawned on me today.

I have been living in Korea for a year now. And the total number of dates I've been on is 1.5. You may be wondering about the 0.5. Let me explain.

I have actually been on three "dates". But I didn't think the first two dates were dates but the guys thought they were (they tried to pay for everything). And I thought I was on a date the last time I went on a "date" but it wasn't a date according to the guy who asked me out (what the heck?). So, since only half of us thought they were dates, I decided to count only half of them. Hence 1.5 dates.

And then today I realized that my prayers were being answered in the most unorthodox way. A couple of weeks ago, I got a random friend request on Facebook and a novel of a message from a dude I have never seen in my life. To protect his identity, I will call him Jakob Reidkopf. He saw my profile and read some posts on my blog and confessed his undying infatuation for my blog persona. And! He created a blog so that his online persona could date my online persona (true words from the horse's mouth). So, our blogs are dating. And since I am the creator of my blog, I will account for 25% of their relationship.

Also, I reconnected with a woman I used to know when I was a kid living in Korea (I think she was my primary teacher) through Facebook. (It seems like Facebook is a recurring theme of the day.) And she wants to introduce me to this old bachelor who is a plastic surgeon. And I think he kind of has a quasi-girlfriend and she said he was ugly but very nice. Regardless, we are all meeting next Tuesday for dinner. I am reluctant to call this a date but since he is interested and I am mildly curious, I will say this is a 0.25 date as well. Which! accounts for 0.5 date I have scored so far after praying nightly. I know this doesn't seem much but it's a 33% increase from my dating history last year. And it's only February.

At this rate, I may get hitched by November.


  1. You crack me up Hannah. 33% increase? That is awesome. You just never know when things will take a turn in the marriage department. I am living truth of that. To take it a step further don't be afraid to recruit others in fasting and praying for you and ask your loved ones to attend the temple in your behalf for that specific blessing. I may or may not have started doing that 4 months before I met Dan. I wish you were here in Utah, then we could go have delicious food and talk about all this in person. Hugs to you dear friend!

  2. Thanks, Steph! The important thing is I (along with my blog) am dating. My only hope is that I will be able to score a 1.0 date pretty soon with the person I want to go out with. ;)

  3. This is a very nice blog--visually attractive, well-written, insightful, funny, quirky, ironic. Maybe too ironic. Maybe that is a problem. Something has to be taken seriously somewhere. But I enjoyed reading. I got here from Facebook because Saeri Lee used to work in my writing center years ago.

  4. Well, thanks. So, how can one remedy the situation? Sounds like you are a dating expert. ;)

  5. Ha! No, I am an English professor. It sounds like you are sampling many things, but keeping your distance. Irony is a defensive tool for that. It requires intelligence and the ability to see things from different perspectives, but it can become a stance toward everything. But if I continue in this vein I will sound like one of your fortune tellers.

  6. Okay so I'm glad I read this, because I got FB notifications about some guy named Jakob commenting on our pictures and I was creeped out because he said some very forward things and also angry because I thought you had found a boyfriend or something and had not informed me.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Yeah... I even creeped myself out for a minute there, but I've reeled back in my blind passion and am instead going for "good friend" again.



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